Non-profit and independent with green digital ambitions
Center Denmark is a non-profit and independent company that provides digital infrastructure that supports players in the energy sector to develop new data-driven solutions that take advantage of opportunities in sector coupling and accelerate the green transition.
The company has established the incubator (an innovative office community) Digital Energy Hub to stimulate companies and organizations in the ecosystem across energy supply types to develop new data-driven business models and products.
The Digital Energy Hub ensures that the results of new research are made available and brought into play in the energy industry through the digital infrastructure.
Read here about Center Denmark's vision, mission and services
Center Denmark will accelerate the green transition to 100% renewable energy in DK via digitization and sector coupling. Through sector coupling we will exploit digital opportunities across and at all levels of the energy sector, thus making the sector's energy deliveries more flexible.
- Use RE (renewable energy) production capacity for all energy demand and avoid down-regulation of production
- Save investment in infrastructure/avoid bottlenecks in the intelligent electricity grid by storing or moving overproduction
- Create continuity in research and provide access to commercial use and market implementation
- Strengthen digital competencies in the energy industry that support new digital business models
- Secure data platform with 24/7 access to energy-related data and digital tools - two-way data transfer
- Test and demonstration inĀ representative and scalable environments
- Digital Energy Hub for knowledge sharing (Access point for commercial services)
- Incubator for digital business models aimed at new data-driven services for the energy sector

Organizational Structure
Center Denmark is established in a fund structure where no one can withdraw money from the company - not even the basic partners. Therefore Center Denmark is a completely non-profit and completely independent organization.
The holding company manages two subsidiaries. Center Denmark Ejendomme ApS owns Center Denmark's buildings etc. Center Denmark Drift ApS is where all technical activities are handled.