The board of Center Denmark
The organizations, represented on the board, have joined forces to establish Center Denmark as a neutral platform where universities, TSOs, DSOs, public organizations and private companies can work together to accelerate the green transition through intelligent data solutions.
The right to appoint board members
The organizations with the right to appoint board members are: EWII, Energinet, Thorsen Invest ApS, DTU, SDU, AAU and AU. The Board of Directors may appoint 2-3 new Board members.
These organizations do not own Center Denmark, as Center Denmark is a self-owned organization. All partners in Center Denmark, regardless of whether they are part of the board or not, have the same access to technical content and thus equal benefits and the opportunity for value creation.
Board members are appointed by their respective organizations or the board itself. The Board of Directors regularly participates in development activities that are closely linked and anchored in the fund. The board is independent.
The board of directors are:

Gender: Male; Born: 1969
Joining the board: 20th december 2018, Appointed by EWII
Competences: CEO of multi utility company with comprehensive insight of the field
Other managerial posts: CEO of EWII S/I, Chaiman Dacapo A/S,board member of Energi Danmark, CLEAN and Teater Nordkraft

Head of Section,
DTU Compute
Gender: Male; Born: 1955
Joining the board 20th december 2018, Appointed by DTU.
Head of Center for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems (since 2014)
Head of DTU coordination board for intelligent energy systems (since 2013)
Head of DTU's Smart City board (since 2015)
Board member ENFOR
Member of Scientific Board for ESIPP (Ireland) 2015 -, CESI (UK) 2016- og ZEN (N) 2017-
Subtask Leader for EERA Joint Program on Energy Systems Integration, 2015-
Subtask Leader for IEA Annex 81, 2019-
Scientific leader for a number of projects (FED, SCA, HEAT4.0, FlexCOOP)
Member of the board in INNO-SE (Smart Energy)
Member of steering group for the regional Data hub
Member of the board in HEATman project
Board member of IFAC committee on System Identification
Board member of International Initiative on Energy and AI
Board member of EERA JP ESI

Associate Dean at Aalborg University
Gender: Male; Born: 1962
Joining the board: 20th December 2018, Appointed by Aalborg University
Experience within energy related infrastructures; Experience within digital technologies and digital transformation; Research management experience
Board Member of Energy Cluster Denmark, House of Energy (Vice Chair); CLEAN, Green Hub Denmark, International Journal of Control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

Vice Dean at Aarhus University
Joining the board: 2021, Appointed by Aarhus University
Competences: Professor, dr. scient., Aarhus University

Senior Advisor at University of Southern Denmark
Gender: Male; Born: 1957
Joining the board:
1st november 2019, Appointed by University of southern Denmark
Experience with energy research in the context of public-private partnership. Past experiences from Innovation Fund Denmark and management positions in the industry.

CEO of Energy Cool
Gender: Male; Born: 1970
Joining the board 20th december 2018, Appointed by Thorsen Invest ApS
Co-founder of Center Denmark, Long experience in concept development and Startups. Mentor for entrepreneurs, speaker and passionate advocate for the green transition and sustainability. Great network in the industry and active in the steer co for the RE-DO summit.
Director and board member of Energy Cool ApS, Cooling partner ApS, Thorsen Invest ApS, Thorsen Holding ApS and Gudsøgård A/S

CEO Aalborg Forsyning
Gender: Male; Born 1959
Joining the board: 24th January 2020, Appointed by the board
CEO of large multi utility that produces both electricity and heat
Board Education from CBS and INSEAD
Other Managerial posts:
Director, Miljø og Energiforvaltningen - Municipality of Aalborg
CEO, Aalborg vand Holding A/S
CEO, Aalborg Energi Holding A/S
Board member: Interforce Forretningsudvalg
Board member: Dansk Energi
Board member: Invest in Aalborg

Board Professional & Investor
Carrier Overview
2022 – Board Professional, Advisor and Investor
2018 – 2022 AVEVA, Executive Vice President, Global Services. 1100 people, €150m revenue
2015 – 2018 AVEVA, Executive Vice President, Technical Services. 450 people, €50m revenue
2010 – 2005 AVEVA, Vice President, Professional Services, 200 people, €30m Revenue
2002 – 2010 Logimatic, Group CEO
1990 – 2010 Logimatic, Director Logimatic Software
1987 – 1990 Logimatic, Principal Engineer
1985 – 1987 Aalborg Shipyard, System Engineer
Board positions
EWII Flexible 2022 – Active Board Member
Midas Energy 2022 – Active Chairman
Center Denmark 2022 – Active Board Member
Smart-Trial, 2019 – 2022 Board Member & Investor: Company divested
Clearly Energy 2022 – Active Board Member & Investor
DECK1, 2019 – Active Board Member & Investor
Logimatic A/S, 1991 – 2022 Chariman - Company divested
Aalborg University 2012 – 2020 Board Member
IT Branchen, 2006 - 2010
Other achievements (Trusted roles)
Founder and Chairman of Brains Business, a branch organization for the IT industry in Aalborg
Winner of Entrepreneur of the Year, Northern Jutland 2008
Winner of Entrepreneur of the Year, Northern Jutland 2011
Winner of Entrepreneur of the Year, Northern Jutland 2012
Personal characteristics
Engaged, forceful and passionate. Solid international experience both in terms of sales, customer management and leadership of global teams with different cultures, religion and professions.
Good at motivating and leading people to achieve desired outcome. Focused and strong at execution. Humorous and get along well with most (all) people.
In my conversations I try to be meaningful, focused and make a difference. I have a strong sense for business.

Lars Struwe Christensen
Board Member
Area Manager - HOFOR