A fruitful partnership that makes a difference
Center Denmark digitizes the energy sectors for the benefit of society and the green transition in collaboration with TSOs, DSOs, utilities, industry organizations, cluster associations, universities, start-ups, SMEs and large commercial business partners.
Center Danmark's location is central in the triangle area, which is also a hotspot for technology companies within energy and digitalisation. The neighborhood already includes Google, Energinet, Ørsted, Skærbækværket, Dansk Fjernvarme, EWII, TVIS, Fredericia Spildevand etc.

Partner Benefits
Access to Data Lake: As a member, you will have access to sector-linked test datasets. In the context of specific innovation sprints, you will have access to extended datasets.
Master- and BusinessClass: Through Digital Energy Hub will you receive an introduction to and access to a range of digital tools, as well as the opportunity to learn and train with experts from universities and companies.
Innovation Sprints: Through Digital Energy Hub will you be invited to the launch of theme sessions and specific innovation sprints, where you, along with other SMEs, major problem owners, and knowledge institutions, will develop solutions and digital business models for the energy sector.
Company Exposure: Your company will be featured on our website with its logo, showcasing your active role in the ecosystem contributing to the green transition, sector coupling, and digitization of the energy sector.